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Monthly Archives: January 2009

Perhaps you are thinking how to get your girlfriend back. You may be wondering whether you still stand any chances especially if she has stopped all contacts with you.

Well, perhaps it will serve you well if you understand this principle.

“People want what they cannot have.”

I believe you might have heard of this principle before. In fact, you can look at this principle from two perspectives.

First, when a person cannot have or cannot easily have something, he/she will want it more.

One of the most common examples that we can think of is money. Most of the time, the people who desire money the most are people who do not have enough of it.

Second, when a person can have something very easily, his/her desire for it will fall.

Again, you can use money as an example. Once someone has a lot of money, his/her desire for money will dwindle. Instead, he/she will start to chase after other things that money can’t buy.

In fact, in extreme cases, if you try to push it to him/her, he/she will even try to reject it.

So, can you see how it applies to your relationship? If you keep on calling her again and again, it indirectly means you are trying to push yourself to her. The more you push, the more she resists.

It also means she can easily get you, which means she will not want you that badly.

Therefore, you do not want to do things that make you appear desperate in her eyes. No girl is going to appreciate a guy who “can’t live without her”. It’s wimpy, and turns her off.

Looking desperate will make it harder to get your girlfriend back.

This might seem counterintuitive, and might be really difficult to do at first, but if you have no idea what else you can try, try this.

It works.

get ex back

get ex back

get ex back

How to get your girlfriend back?

Watch a video that shows you exactly what you must NEVER do, what you should do to get your ex back and why at

You will also learn how to reverse the situation if you have already done those things that should NEVER be done.